2023 Annual Giving Campaign

Why support Linden? One Family's Story

Making Transformations Possible

When our oldest daughter was in Grade 6, a teacher at her previous school told us that “Clare will never be a good math student.” As parents, we were frustrated by an essentialist view of aptitude made worse by stereotypical assumptions about whether our daughter should believe in her own capacity to succeed at math in a math-driven world. We believed that she had enough aptitude and determination to build the skills we felt would be important to her success. 

Linden was recommended to us by a friend who is a professor at the University of Toronto. She told us that “students who come out of the Linden program are well-prepared for the challenges of university.”

Sure enough, Clare has developed a love of abstract learning through the passion and commitment to the learning process she experienced at Linden. She graduated with honours and is now studying mathematical economics at the University of Guelph. We want to see Linden continue to be trailblazers in education so that students can experience the transformative impact of a Linden education long into the future. 

Linden continues to balance the desire to keep tuition as affordable as possible while paying staff a fair wage and offering one of the most generous bursary programs in the city. To do this, and to improve programs and introduce new initiatives such as media arts and outdoor education, Linden relies on gifts from community members. Click here for more information about how your gift will be put to work this year.

- Bradley Heys Family


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